Community Works
Joshua Bilbao
The prompt: “Theatricalize a moment you felt lost”
“I’m connected to LAB as a fan with the goal of eventually becoming a member. The work that LAB produces, and that I’ve gotten the opportunity to watch, always moves me. I was also fortunate enough to attend the barn series this year and meet some of the members. I loved how welcoming everyone was.”
Photo Essay
By Alicia Ceron
Variations in front of a mirror
Look at yourself. Look at each other. In a given time and a non-negotiable space. What does the mirror shows you? Images sometimes categorical, other times editable, modifiable. What details call your attention? At what time of the day and why? A warm mirror at 5 in the afternoon, a cold one at dawn or one illuminated with artificial lights. Multiple views from and at the same object, different angles and with every attempt a new creation.
Note: the colors are original, they have not been digitally retouched. Photo 8 and 9 contain quotes from "Through the looking glass", Lewis Carroll and "The logic of sense", Gilles Deleuze.
“My name is Alicia Ceron and I am a fan of LAByrinth Theater Company (thank you for the inspiring work that you do and for the amazing reading of Our lady of 112th street).
I am an actress/journalist originally from Chile and now based in New York City (for the last 5 years). Since I was never able to paint as I would have liked, since I was a little girl I put effort into photography. Locked up (with my boyfriend) in this quarantine, I made this photo series that pretends to be a visual reflection of what it means to spend time facing yourself.”
Bobby Daniel Rodrigues and Czarina Mada
The prompt: “Theatricalize Coming Home”
Both Czary and I are past members of LAB's intensive ensemble. Our passion and love for theater and film has been largely influenced by LAB and its members. We are proud to be part of its hive of collaborative artists. One Love!!
Rachel Cora
The prompt: “write and perform a monologue of gratitude”
“Happy Quarantine! I’ve been a LAB collaborator and fan since I moved to NYC. Ten years ago, I was performing, “The Wild Duck,” with Puzzo and Sidney Williams at Bard Summerscape. The same year LAB was doing their intensive. One night after our show, they brought me to a LAB reading with Samantha Mathis and Greg Keller. Their performances and the material were so raw and fun! I immediately got a fix of LAB and I was hooked!
I befriended people like Ed Vassallo, who encouraged me to make films and Jamie Weiner who I discovered also went to University of Maryland.
I’d just moved to the city and LAB became my place I could call home. They always have been and always will be.”
Lost and Found
By Kathleen O’Neal
In 2011, I auditioned for and attended the summer intensive ensemble at Bard College. I met so many wonderful artists and forged so many special relationships there (it’s where I met Pete Collier, Neil Pritchard, Onika Day, to name a few). That group of people challenged and changed who I am as an artist, and I am also grateful for the mentors I’ve retained (Padraic continues to teach me so much).
Prompt Given: Theatricalize a moment you felt lost...
Photo Essay
By Yanella Suarez
Hi. My name is Yanella Suarez, a 23 year old Miami gal who moved to NYC to pursue acting. During this quarantine I wake up and stare at the drawings my four year old twin nieces drew me. Then I go on my roof and bask in the sun, usually with some alcohol and snacks. After, I sit and try to read or end up gazing at a page without really looking. Most importantly , I dress up to burn some Palo Santo and sage while listening to my records. It’s tough but very peaceful as well.
Quarantined With My Mom, The Ex Berkeley Weed Dealer and Radical White Lady, Diagnosed With Dementia and Anal Cancer...at the same time
By Onika Day